Coláiste Éinde
Salthill, Galway

Junior Cycle

The updated Junior Cycle programme is now fully rolled out to all students in 1st, 2nd and 3rd year. This represents a significant change from the previous Junior Certificate and key changes as part of the reform include:

  • A more student-centered learning programme across all subjects
  • Emphasis on developing key skills as well as knowledge
  • Alternative assessment approaches in addition to written exams at the end of 3rd year
  • Opportunities for students to work collaboratively with peers on projects
  • Increased focus on wellbeing in the curriculum
  • Recognition of extracurricular student learning
  • Alternative learning pathways for students with additional learning needs
  • An updated profile of achievement containing results from Examinations, Classroom-Based Assessments and Other Areas of Learning

Students in Coláiste Éinde take 10 subjects for certification at Junior Cycle. This includes 7 core subjects, 1 modern foreign language and 2 choice subjects following a taster programme at the beginning of 1st year.



In each subject, students complete a terminal exam in June at the end of 3rd year. In most subjects, this accounts for 90% of the overall grade awarded. The remaining 10% is gained from a written Assessment Task, completed following the second classroom-based assessment in the subject.

Students will receive the following grades for each subject:

  • Distinction (90%+)
  • Higher Merit (75%-90%)
  • Merit (55%-75%)
  • Achieved (40%-55%)
  • Partially Achieved (20%-40%)
  • Not Graded (0%-20%)

Classroom Based Assessment

Classroom-Based Assessments (CBAs) provide students with opportunities to demonstrate their learning and skills in ways not possible in a pen and paper examination, for example, their verbal communication and investigation skills. CBAs will be undertaken in subjects and short courses and will be facilitated by the classroom teacher.

CBAs will be undertaken during a defined time period within normal class contact time and to a national timetable. Students will generally complete one CBA in 2nd year and another in 3rd year, in each subject. A student's CBA offers a snapshot of the standard of their work at the time of completion and the following grades may be awarded:

  • Exceptional
  • Above Expectations
  • In Line with Expectations
  • Yet to meet Expectations

Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement

At the end of the programme, students will receive a JCPA which reports on student achievement across a broad range of areas of learning in junior cycle. This will include the student's:

  • Achievements in the state-certified final examinations (inclusive of the Assessment Task)
  • Achievements in the Classroom-Based Assessments in subjects
  • Achievement in other areas of learning

Further Details

Full details on the new curriculum, including information on the principles, statements of learning and key skills on which it is built, can be found here.

Jan 16
1st Year PST Meeting
Jan 30
5th Year PST Meeting
Mar 13
TY PST Meeting
Coláiste Éinde,
Threadneedle Road,

091 521 407

Coláiste Éinde participates in the Droichead programme

© 2025 Coláiste Éinde