Coláiste Éinde
Salthill, Galway

Using Digital Technology

Digital learning is an important part of our school, and students engage in learning about technology and how to use it to complete tasks. As part of this, it is important that all students understand the importance of its use and maintain proper etiquette when doing so. All students and parents are required to read Coláiste Éinde's acceptable use policy and should familiarise themselves with both guides below.

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Student Guidelines for Online Etiquette Parent Guide to Online Learning

Microsoft Office 365

All students have an email address. This allows you to:

  • Access teacher notes and handouts
  • Communicate and work together with others on important projects
  • Store files safely in the cloud
  • Take part in online lessons
  • Download 5 copies of Microsoft Office
  • Access your work from any device by going to

You can access Microsoft Office 365 in the following ways:

  • On your computer using pre-installed apps
  • Online at
  • On your phone using free apps from the Store

All students should take the time to read the following three guides:


A Guide to Logging In


A Guide to Using Email (Outlook)


A Guide to Using Teams



Teams is used to access class materials provided by your teacher, take part in discussions in your subject, submit assignments for important projects, and participate in online calls.

When using Teams, always remember to behave responsibly, and make sure you have read the Online Etiquette guide on this website.



Outlook is used for emails. You can send and receive messages to people inside Coláiste Éinde and use for class projects when directed to by your teacher.

Outlook should only be used for school work. It should never be used to sign up for newsletters and websites that are not connected with work assigned by your teacher or related to your study.



OneDrive is a great place to save your files so that they can be accesed from anywhere. By saving to OneDrive - Coláiste Éinde you can protect important work so that you never lose it. Saving to OneDrive also allows you to work with others by sharing documents.



OneNote is made for learning! This is an online notebook that allows you to access your teachers' notes, organise your own notes and work collaborately with others.

OneNote is made of sections and pages. Sections are like the topics within your subject. Depending on what section you have open, you will see the pages that relate to that topic.

There are three section groups in OneNote Class Notebooks:

  • Content Library - a place to access your teachers' notes
  • Collaboration Space - a space for groupwork
  • Your Section - a private space to store your work. Only you and your teacher have access to this!

Jan 16
1st Year PST Meeting
Jan 30
5th Year PST Meeting
Mar 13
TY PST Meeting
Coláiste Éinde,
Threadneedle Road,

091 521 407

Coláiste Éinde participates in the Droichead programme

© 2025 Coláiste Éinde