Coláiste Éinde
Salthill, Galway

Hearing Impairment Class

The Special Class for Deaf and Hearing Impaired students was set up in 2010 to ensure equal opportunities in education for Deaf or Hard of Hearing Students in the Connaught region (as defined in the Circular Sp Ed 02/05).

How the Special Class works:

Students with hearing impairment follow a reduced curriculum which is delivered both in the mainstream setting and the Deaf Class setting. The core subjects, Maths and English, are usually taught exclusively within the Special Class, and resource classes are timetabled to support mainstream subjects. For severely and profoundly deaf children, acquiring language is a different process from the ways in which hearing people develop language as deafness drastically reduces both the quantity and the quality of linguistic input available and accessible to deaf children. In secondary school, additional tuition time is necessary to aid students with hearing loss to break down language, teach key subject vocabulary, increase vocabulary, teach figures of speech and idioms, prepare written assignments and class projects.

While attending mainstream classes, students of the Deaf Class are supported in the classroom by either an SNA or an experienced Deaf Class teacher. During school outings and trips, students are supported by an SNA or Staff member with Deaf Awareness training.

The following examinations are taken by Deaf students at Coláiste Éinde:

  • Junior Cycle
  • Leaving Certificate

All students of the Deaf Class undertaking state examinations will have Reasonable Accommodations provided for them.


The communication modality is determined by the individual language and communication needs of each student. We embrace the method of Total Communication, which consists of learning through sign and/or speech and the written word.

Our Vision

Coláiste Éinde’s Class for Deaf Students is committed to providing the best possible quality of education for all of our students. It is our belief that all students are entitled to a broad and balanced curriculum. Alongside mainstream staff, we ensure the curriculum is differentiated for every individual. We believe that Total Communication contributes to the overall learning experience of our students promoting independence, achievement and a positive school experience.

Students enrolling in Coláiste Éinde with a diagnosed hearing impairment can apply for a place. (See Admissions Policy)

There is capacity for six students in this special class, and to find out if there is current availability please refer to our Annual Admission Notice which will be on our website in early October.

Coláiste Éinde,
Threadneedle Road,

091 521 407

Coláiste Éinde participates in the Droichead programme

© 2025 Coláiste Éinde