Coláiste Éinde
Salthill, Galway

Attendance (Lates, Permission to Leave)

Students are expected to attend all classes punctually and to bring with them all equipment and resources needed for learning. Each student is expected to complete all assigned work to the best of their ability within the allocated time. Students must attend school and all classes unless prevented from doing so by illness or other valid reasons. Any student who is not in attendance on any school day must have their absence explained by a parent/guardian. This can be done via Compass, our school management system. A student may leave the school during lesson time to attend appointments etc., only with permission from a parent/guardian, and only after signing out at the school office.

Explaining Absence / Permission to Leave

Parents and guardians are provided with access to our school management system, Compass, following enrolment. Compass can be used to provide attendance notes and permission to leave as part of the below process:

  1. Parent enters an attendance note on Compass
  2. Student signs in or out at the school office
  3. Their arrival or departure is recorded for health and safety purposes
  4. The student's journal is stamped if they are arriving at school before they proceed to class

The video below shows how to add an attendance note on Compass:


Students in 1st and 2nd years may not leave the school grounds at any time during the day. Unauthorised absence from school will be regarded as a serious offence.

Jan 16
1st Year PST Meeting
Jan 30
5th Year PST Meeting
Mar 13
TY PST Meeting
Coláiste Éinde,
Threadneedle Road,

091 521 407

Coláiste Éinde participates in the Droichead programme

© 2025 Coláiste Éinde