Leaving Certificate Programme
Students at senior cycle study complete the Leaving Certificate Programme. The Leaving Certificate is a two-year programme that aims to provide learners with a broad, balanced education while also offering some specialisation towards a particular career option. Students may take an additional optional year at the start of their senior cycle called Transition Year. Students generally take seven examinable subjects and also engage in a variety of other subjects to aid their wellbeing and social development.
At senior cycle we are proud to offer a wide range of subjects for certification:

Subject Choice Information Evening March 2022
The below presentation was delivered to parents online on March 15th, 2022.
Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP)
Students who have a qualifying subject combination may enrol in the Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme. LCVP offers students the opportunity to learn about businesses and gain vocational experience from two link modules: Preparation for the World of Work and Enterprise Education. Students will take an examination paper and submit a portfolio in the Link Modules, and from this, students can gain additional CAO points. The programme runs parallel to the traditional Leaving Certificate. The skills gained from LCVP are equally relevant to the needs of those preparing for further education, seeking employment or planning to commence their own business in the future.
CAO Information Evening November 2022
The below presentation was delivered to parents in November 2022