A designated school uniform consisting of the items below must be worn at all times during the school day:

- On days when students have PE, crested PE tracksuit bottoms may be worn to school for the entire day. A selection of recommended tracksuit bottoms are available here, or alternatively, local supplier the Schoolwear Centre will affix the school crest to plain navy tracksuit bottoms.
- Each item of clothing should be clearly labeled with the student's name. Any item not being worn during the day (e.g. jacket) should be stored in the student's own locker.
- Non-uniform items are not permitted to be worn during the school day.
Local suppliers of crested items:
The Schoolwear Centre
Anthony Ryans Schoolwear
Non-crested items can be bought in various local stores
To encourage re-use of items, a uniform sale/swap is held in the school near the end of May of each year.