Coláiste Éinde
Salthill, Galway

Student Council

The Student Council is a group of representatives chosen by the students. There are typically 13 members consisting of 2 members from 1st Year, 2 from 2nd Year, 2 from 3rd Year, 3 from 5th Year, and 4 from 6th Year. Amongst the representatives elected, a chairperson and a secretary are chosen by the other council members. Elections are held at the start of the academic year. Any student can apply for election to the Student Council and roughly 2 weeks after applying, students will vote for a candidate to represent them for the academic year.

Our Role:

The Student Council’s role is essentially to bring issues and concerns raised by students to school management. We have regular meetings every few weeks to discuss these issues and we think of solutions to them. If you have any concerns or suggestions for how we can improve the school, you are encouraged to talk to your council representatives about them.

Our Initiatives:

The Student Council has accomplished some great feats in the past. We have brought positive change to the school itself by adding facilities such as outdoor picnic benches and water coolers. We have also impacted the wider world around us too. In the past, we brought politicians from across the country to discuss opinions and ideas regarding climate change.

The Student Council equips members with skills such as public speaking, debating and thinking outside the box which can be highly beneficial in later life. Any questions? Feel free to ask us at

Jan 16
1st Year PST Meeting
Jan 30
5th Year PST Meeting
Mar 13
TY PST Meeting
Coláiste Éinde,
Threadneedle Road,

091 521 407

Coláiste Éinde participates in the Droichead programme

© 2025 Coláiste Éinde