Coláiste Éinde
Salthill, Galway

An Réalt

An Réalt

About us

Coláiste Éinde has provision for two special classes that cater specifically for students on the Autistic Spectrum. Each class has a maximum capacity of 6 students. The ASD Centre is there to cater for students with Autism within the school’s catchment area (see Admissions Policy).

Students enrolling in Coláiste Éinde, with a diagnosis of ASD, can apply to enrol in An Réalt. Enrolment to the ASD special class for any student must meet with the approval of the SENO, in collaboration with the school authorities, who in turn provide the teaching allocation and resources to the ASD Centre. Parents/Guardians are advised to meet with school management, regarding the ASD Centre, in advance of applying, and to consult with the SENO regarding the most suitable educational environment for their child.

How does it work?

A special class place in An Réalt provides the student with a dual enrolment in Coláiste Éinde. This means the student has access to a full mainstream timetable but can also be withdrawn for support in An Réalt for as much of the day as is needed.

Each An Réalt student’s bespoke timetable responds to their needs and adapts dynamically with those changing needs. Clear communication is fostered between the ASD coordinator and parents/guardians, to ensure that the academic, social, and emotional needs of their child are being identified and supported.

There is a dedicated ASD teacher present in An Réalt at all times, and students have access to SNA support where appropriate. There is communication between the An Réalt staff and mainstream teachers for each student, to ensure wrap-around support. This fosters a positive learning experience for each member of An Réalt.

What supports do we offer?

All students in An Réalt have personalised timetables which will include lessons with their mainstream peers, as well as, small group lessons, and 1:1 lessons where appropriate. Support in An Réalt is responsive to the needs of each individual student. For some, this support may look like additional literacy or numeracy lessons. For others, it may be a quiet and calm space to regulate their emotions or take some time out.

For all An Réalt students, social skill lessons are provided for their emotional literacy development. Life skills are also an integral part of our curriculum. Where possible opportunities are created to allow students to practice their life skills out and about in our community, for example, using public transport, road safety awareness, real-life numeracy (paying for items in a shop or cafe), and social interactions (small group outings).


If you want any further information on the provision offered at Coláiste Éinde, in An Réalt, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Jan 16
1st Year PST Meeting
Jan 30
5th Year PST Meeting
Mar 13
TY PST Meeting
Coláiste Éinde,
Threadneedle Road,

091 521 407

Coláiste Éinde participates in the Droichead programme

© 2025 Coláiste Éinde